LAZARUS FEST VI: The 6th Underblock Ceremony
Dom kulture, Lazarevo

  1. oktobar 2024.
    (English in italic)
    Dobrodošli u srce banatske tame, mesto autentičnog rustičnog gotika,
    ravničarske depresije i sivila; na nesveto tle nad kojim kruže mirisi i ostaci kužnih
    močvarnih isparenja iz prošlih vremena u određena doba godine i oblaci teške
    prašine današnjice; malu naseobinu besomučno šibanu velikim istorijskim
    događajima, totalitarnim ideologijama i iredentizmima svake vrste, migracijama i
    kolonizacijama; naselje u kojem se slojevi krvave istorije čovečanstva XIX i XX
    veka jasno mogu sagledati u njegovim spomenicima, ruinama i mogilama; selo u
    kojem su svoje utočište pronašli naši očevi i dedovi na drugom talasu
    kolonizacije Vojvodine, gonjeni teškim životom posle Drugog svetskog rata,
    prohujalim ratnim strahotama i nenamirenim osvetama u krvi, na obećanoj zemlji
    koja ih rado uzima sebi, a ponekad i vraća nama, deci ovog veka, koja smo
    udahnuli sav taj mrak iz njihovih priča i nastojimo da mu damo smisao u potrazi
    za ličnim slobodama i ostvarenjima.
    Dobrodošli na šesto okupljanje u najveće METAL selo u Srbiji!
    Welcome to the heart of Banatian darkness, a place of authentic rustic gothic
    environment, lowland depression and greyness; on the unholy ground over which
    circulate the smells and remnants of pestilential swamp fumes from past times at
    certain times of the year and clouds of heavy dust today; a small settlement
    wildly beaten by major historical events, totalitarian ideologies and irredentism of
    all kinds, migrations and colonizations; a settlement where the layers of the
    bloody history of humanity in the 19th and 20th centuries can be clearly seen in
    its monuments, ruins and mounds; the village where our fathers and grandfathers
    found their refuge during the second wave of colonization of Vojvodina, chased
    by a difficult life after the Second World War, past war horrors and unsatisfied
    revenges in blood, on the promised land that gladly takes them for itself, and
    sometimes returns them to us, the children of this century, that we breathed in all
    that darkness from their stories and try to give it meaning in searching for
    personal freedoms and accomplishments.
    Welcome to the sixth gathering in the largest METAL village in Serbia!


19:00 Polazak autobusa za one koji su se prijavili za organizovani prevoz iz
Zrenjanina (Miletićeva ulica 12, autobusko stajalište ispred Halasa) / Bus
departure for those who signed up for organized transport from Zrenjanin
(Miletićeva Street 12, bus stop in front of Halas);
19:00 Otvaranje ulaza i štandova / Opening of entrances and stands
(Crnoslovlje, Smudge Custom Screenprints, Pannonian Sea Fish Tattoo, Nanny
Goat Dark Shop, Lucija Clothing);
20:00 Cheap Moonshine;
20:45 Mogila Deathcult;
21:30 Forgotten Scream;
22:15 Oathbringer;
23:10 Svartgren;
00:05 The Bloody Earth;
02:00 Povratak sa festivala u Zrenjanin za one koji su se prijavili za organizovani
prevoz / Return from the festival to Zrenjanin for those who signed up for
organized transport.

Na ulazu će biti postavljena kutija za donacije za one koji budu imali želju da
podrže festival. To isto mogu učiniti i uplatama na dinarski račun broj 325-
9500700031619-10 (Primalac: RNR Zona Lazarevo) ili PayPal
A donation box will be placed at the entrance for those who wish to support the
festival. You can do the same by making payments to the dinar account number
325-9500700031619-10 (Recipient: RNR Zona Lazarevo) or PayPal

Prijave za besplatan organizovan prevoz od Zrenjanina do mesta održavanja
festivala i nazad na:
Applications for free organized transport from Zrenjanin to the venue of the
festival and back at:
Umetnici iz raznih sfera mogu da prijave svoj prodajni štanda na:
Artists from various spheres can register their sales stand at:

Od prošle godine u okviru festivala organizujemo i maskenbal. Najbolja maska i
ove godine dobija nagradu i zato budite kreativni i autentični (bdsm, cross-
dressing friendly)!
Since last year, we have been organizing a masquerade ball as part of the
festival. The best mask gets a prize again this year, so be creative and authentic
(bdsm, cross-dressing friendly)!

Nemamo štandove sa hranom na našem festivalu, pa ste slobodni da unesete svoju hranu,
što i preporučujemo!
We do not have food stands at our festival, so you are free to bring your own food, which
we recommend!

Zvanični poster / Official poster:

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